Japan Japanese foods - Dango
Japan culture center - Dango is a Japanese cake shaped like a small ball, and matured by steaming or boiling in water. Dango Dough is made from rice flour mixed with water or hot water. Kushidango is the name for a number of 3, 4, or 5 grains of dango which pierced into one with a puncture (Kushi) from bamboo. The number of grains in a single puncture Dango depend on the area in Japan.

Dango that tastes sweet is made by adding sugar to the dough, whereas that is not sweet dango dipped in sauce. Dango can also be eaten with a sprinkling of soy bean powder (kinako), inserted into the mitsumame (jelly are eaten with a variety of canned fruit) or butter beans are diluted with water.

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