Tessen is a fan-shaped weapons

Tessen is a fan-shaped weapons-japanese weapon
Japan culture center - Tessen is a fan-shaped weapons made of iron. Martial arts that uses Tessen called tessenjutsu.

japanese ancient weapon - Sansetsukon

japanese ancient weapon photos- Sansetsukon

japanese ancient weapon picture- Sansetsukon
Japan culture center - Sansetsukon is similar Nunchaku weapon, in the form of three sticks connected by chain or rope. According to the story, these weapons came from China, a warrior to fight by using a long stick, then sticks was broken into 3 parts. He then connects the pieces of his wand so as to create a new weapon called the san jie gun (China bhs. for Sansetsukon). Sansetsukon can be used effectively against long-range weapons such as Bo. This weapon can be used to hit, poke, locking the opponent, and whipping.

Japanese culture center - Nunchaku Japanese Weapon

Japanese culture center - Nunchaku Japanese Weapon picture

Japanese culture center - Nunchaku Japanese Weapon, japanese women with weapon photos
Japan culture center - This weapon is in the form of two short sticks connected by a chain or rope. Nunchaku believed to originate from rice pestle. In the world, this weapon was popularized by actor and legendary martial arts expert Bruce Lee. This weapon can be used single or pair. Section is used to hit his stick and poke, while the chain can be used to fend off opponents and to lock arms and slamming the opponent.

Japanese Culture center - Tonfa Japanese Traditional Weapon

Japanese Culture center - Tonfa Japanese Traditional Weapon picture

Japanese Culture center - Images of Tonfa Japanese Traditional Weapon
Japan culture center - This weapon is in the present adapted by security forces as a police sticks. Shaped like a short stick with a handle perpendicular to form the letter T, with protective finger at the base of the handle is short. According to the story, Tonfa was created from the handle for rice milling equipment. This weapon is also contained in the martial sciences from Southeast Asia. In martial arts, used a pair of Tonfa. Tonfa held in the short term so that the tonfa protects the arm, so it can be used to fend off sharp weapons.

Japan culture center - Jo Japanese traditonal weapon

Japan culture center - Jo Japanese traditonal weapon picture

Japan culture center - Jo Japanese traditonal weapon photos
Japan culture center - Jo is the stick is shorter than Bo. Length is approximately 120 cm. According to the story, Jo created by Muso Gonnosuke after he lost the fight with the swordsman Miyamoto Musashi. Gonnosuke then create a flow of Shinto Muso Ryu Jo particular use. Because Jo shorter than Bo, this weapon can be used for the techniques in close combat that is not possible by Bo. It can be used such as Bo, this weapon can be used to lock, strangle, and slamming the opponent.

Japanese culture center - BO Japan Traditional Weapon

Japanese culture center - BO Japan Traditional Weapon pictures

Japanese culture center - BO Japan Traditional Weapon photos
Japan culture center - This weapon is that in Indonesia is called Toya or long stick. Bo typically has a length of about 180 cm. Bo in the ancient Japanese used in addition to weapons as well as a bearer instrument, much as street vendors in Indonesia. This weapon can be used to hit, poke, parry opponent's attack, and sweep the opponent's legs.

japanese food - Chawanmushi (茶碗蒸し)

Chawanmushi (茶碗蒸し)
japanese food picture - Chawanmushi (茶碗蒸し)
Japan culture center - Chawanmushi (茶碗蒸し). Chawanmushi, literally "steam cup of tea" or "steamed in a bowl of tea") is an egg custard dish found in Japan that use ginkgo seeds. Unlike many other custard, usually eaten as an appetizer. The custard composed of egg mixture flavored with soy sauce, dashi, and mirin, with various ingredients such as shiitake mushrooms, kamaboko, and boiled shrimp are placed in a cup of tea as a container. Recipes for dishes that are similar to Chinese steamed eggs, but may often different toppings.

Japanese food - Hiyayakko ( 冷 奴 )

Japanese food - Hiyayakko ( 冷 奴 ), picture 1

Japanese food - Hiyayakko ( 冷 奴 ), picture 2
Japan culture center - Hiyayakko (cold 冷 奴 tofu) is a popular Japanese dish made ​​with tofu and cold toppings. It is usually served in the summer. There are two types used in hiyayakko know: kinugoshi (silk), which is more frequently used, and moments that are less common (cotton).

Japan culture center - Kakigōri (かき氷) The Japanese foods, Japanese ice creams

Japan culture center - Kakigōri (かき氷) The Japanese foods photos, Japanese ice creams

Japan culture center - Kakigōri (かき氷) The Japanese foods pictures, Japanese ice creams
Japan culture center - Kakigōri (かき氷?) Is a Japanese dessert made ​​of shaved ice with syrup flavors of strawberry, cherry, lemon, green tea, grape, melon, "blue-Hawaiian" sweet plum, and colorless syrup. Some shops provide colorful varieties by using two or more different syrups. To sweeten Kakigōri, condensed milk is often poured on top.

Manju - The Traditional  Popular Japanese Food
Manju - The Traditional  Popular Japanese Food

Manju - The Traditional  Popular Japanese Food picture

Manju - The Traditional  Popular Japanese Food photos
Japan culture center - Manju is a traditional popular Japanese food . There are many types of Manju, but most have outside is made from wheat flour, rice and wheat flour and the filling (red bean paste), made ​​from boiled Azuki beans and sugar. They are boiled together again and squeezed. There are several types of bean paste used include koshian, tsubuan, and tsubushian.

Japan Japanese foods - Dango
Japan culture center - Dango is a Japanese cake shaped like a small ball, and matured by steaming or boiling in water. Dango Dough is made from rice flour mixed with water or hot water. Kushidango is the name for a number of 3, 4, or 5 grains of dango which pierced into one with a puncture (Kushi) from bamboo. The number of grains in a single puncture Dango depend on the area in Japan.

Dango that tastes sweet is made by adding sugar to the dough, whereas that is not sweet dango dipped in sauce. Dango can also be eaten with a sprinkling of soy bean powder (kinako), inserted into the mitsumame (jelly are eaten with a variety of canned fruit) or butter beans are diluted with water.

Taiyaki - The Japanese cake shaped like a fish
Taiyaki - The Japanese cake shaped like a fish

Taiyaki - The Japanese food picture, cake shaped like a fish

Taiyaki picture - The Japanese cake shaped like a fish
Japan culture center - Taiyaki is Japanese cakes shaped like fish, and dough made ​​from wheat flour that was baked, then filled with jelly beans.

Taiyaki was first discovered in Japan in 1909, when one of the shops in the city of Shibuya, Tokyo, started selling it, the store Naniwaya Souhonten.

Dorayaki - The Traditional  Japanese Cake
Dorayaki - The Traditional  Japanese Cake

Dorayaki - The Traditional  Japanese food
Dorayaki and Doraemon

Dorayaki - The Traditional  Japanese Cake picture
Japan culture center - Dorayaki is a cake that originated in Japan. Dorayaki belong to the class of traditional Japanese cake (wagashi) that looks a bit chubby round, consisting of two pieces of cake with peanut butter stuck on red. Dorayaki has a soft texture similar to Japanese cake called Kastela because the dough that contains honey.

Okonomiyaki - The Japanese food picture

Okonomiyaki picture- The Japanese food picture
Okonomiyaki is a Japanese food with flour

Okonomiyaki - The Japanese pizza.
Japan culture center - Okonomiyaki is a Japanese food with flour ingredients are diluted with water or dashi, plus cabbage, eggs, chicken, seafood or pork and fried on a flat pan called Teppan.

In Japanese, okonomi means "like" (which is preferred, you want) and yaki means "grilled" (the term "fried" is only used in Japan when foods are fried in oil very much). As the name implies, the top layer (toppings) okonomiyaki can be tailored to the tastes of people who want to eat.

Japan Japanese foods picture, Takoyaki - The octopus (tako) balls
Japan culture center - Takoyaki is a Japanese snack food commonly made ​​traditionally by Japanese families are home. First made by Endo Tomekichi Aizu named in his shop in Osaka. The shape is round like meatballs, because it is also called Japanese grilled meatballs (Tako = octopus; yaki = grilled)

Japan Japanese foods photos - Amezaiku - UNIC candy from Japan

Japan Japanese foods - Amezaiku photos- UNIC candy from Japan

Japan Japanese foods - Amezaiku - UNIC

Japan Japanese foods - Amezaiku - UNIC candy from Japan
Amezaiku (饴 细 工)
Japan culture center - Amezaiku (饴 细 工) is a Japanese art crafts candy. The artist will color the candy and use the hand as well as other tools such as tweezers and scissors to create a sculpture of candy.

Japan Japanese foods - Sweet Japanese Omelette Tamago

Japan Japanese foods - Sweet Japanese Omelette Tamago photo

Japan Japanese foods - Sweet Japanese Omelette Tamago picture
Japan culture center - Tamago literally means 'egg'. Was the term for Japanese omelette or omelet. The difference with other omelet, tamago usually served thin and rolled up. The menu is very simple and easy to make. Materials manufacturer is also simple and readily available such as eggs, sugar, and shoyu soy sauce, aka Japan.

When eaten soft Tamago is going to feel unique and different, with a slightly sweet taste sensation on the tongue shoyu. In Japan there was also made into other forms of creative or funny and tied with nori to give savory accents.

Japan Japanese foods - Omurice omelete of Japanese

Japan Japanese foods - Omurice omelete of Japanese foods

Japan Japanese foods - Omurice photos omelete of Japanese food

Japan Japanese foods - Omurice omelete of Japanese, masakan jepang
Japan culture center - Omurice (オムライス omurais) Is a Japanese food is fried rice with tomato sauce and wrapped in fried egg omelet. Its name comes from the word omelet and rice. Above omurice usually watered a little tomato sauce or ketchup to make it look attractive demiglace.

Omurice first created for diners who are sick indigestion by a restaurant called Hokkyokusei located in Namba, Osaka. There is also another version that says Omurice first invented by a restaurant called Renga-tei in Ginza, Tokyo around the 19th century.

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